Create successful collaborations that have an impact are crucial for startups. Learn from a diverse panel from both sides of business on how to build partnerships to maximize efforts.
Suneet Bhatt
Co-Founder, Dream Village
Suneet is in his mid-40s but he tells people he's in his mid-50s because then their reaction is "wow, you look great for 54." He's held a host of positions in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors, across organizations of all sizes. Which simply by the benefit of years and roles... Read More →
David Simnick
CEO and Co-Founder, Soapbox
David Simnick is the Managing Partner of Impact Driven Brands, parent company of the mission-driven personal care brand, Soapbox, and the delicious condiment company, Bushwick Kitchen. Soapbox’s mission is to empower consumers to change the world through everyday, quality purchases... Read More →
Erlend Johannesen
Country Director, Boldr
Erlend is a breath of optimism to every room he walks into. He is the founder of Streetlight Philippines and a director for A Million Voices, two NGOs that focus on youth advancement. He is also a Resident Agent and the Founder’s Board Representative to the Philippines for NORDIC... Read More →
Dale Nirvani Pfeifer
Founder & CEO, Goodworld
Dale Nirvani Pfeifer is on a mission to make payments a force for good. Her company Goodworld makes charitable giving on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram frictionless, viral and secure. Its payments technology is used by over 3500 of the world's top charities as well as large financial... Read More →
Tuesday September 10, 2019 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Google DC 25 Massachusetts Ave NW #900, Washington, DC 20001